1. Try box breathing. Use your finger to slowly trace the edges of your card. As you trace the horizontal edges, breathe in. As you trace the vertical edges, breathe out. Repeat as many times as you need.
2. Visit your calm place. Visualize a place that represents peace and rest for you. It can be anywhere—the beach, the mountains, your backyard! As you visualize this place, imagine as many sensory details as possible: What can you see, hear, touch, smell, and taste there?
3. Do a brain sweep. As anxious or stressful thoughts arise, transfer them from your brain to paper by writing them down or drawing a picture that represents them. This can help them feel less overwhelming.
4. Talk to yourself. It may sound silly, but talking to yourself can be soothing. Repeat a word or phrase that reassures you and your brain. It doesn’t have to be overly positive, and instead, can be neutral and factual: “I am safe” or “This is temporary.”
5. Create a mental wellness toolbox. The items in our self-care bags (journal, tissues, tea, etc.) are a great start to a mental wellness toolbox. Add any items that you think would be helpful in times of stress, and keep this toolbox somewhere that is easy to access.
Interested in more information and inspiration about caring for yourself? Check out our podcast, “Good to Talk” The first episode, “Self Care in a Stressful Season,” will get you started.